About (Old)
For over 60 years, stickers have been establishing brands, helping politicians get elected, starting conversations, and revealing who’s kid made the honor roll. Their power lies in the fact that when designed, distributed, and displayed properly, they are not perceived as advertising at all. Considered “old school social media,” stickers are “liked,” start conversations, and generate low-cost exposure much like today’s online options. One Click Stick takes pride in being able to supply you with quality promotional stickers of all shapes, sizes, and materials, for application to anything from windows, water bottles, and laptops, to ski boxes, walls, and people...wherever.
One Click Stick owner Casey Pruit's story began when he realized his passion for helping people's visions come to life in the form of sticky marketing. He wanted to help the local rock band to create a buzz, the small business owner looking for low cost marketing, and the brewery wanting to have their logo recognized in other states across the country. And so, One Click Stick was born.
As Tony Hawk is obsessed with skateboarding, we are obsessed with quality. We create bold distinctive designs and print them with the industry’s best available inks on the finest, most durable vinyl available. Then they are covered with a UV laminate to protect your stickers from scratching, rain, and sunlight. We also can use your original design to create custom stickers, labels, and decals...all you need to do is upload your image and review your emailed proof; it seems we are obsessed with convenience, too!
But as important as our quality is, our customer is everything to us. Whether you are a startup company, an established business, or self-employed, you will get an online shopping experience that is one click to excellence! Your online experience with us includes easy ordering, complimentary proofs, quick turn-around and message response times, extensive product knowledge, free shipping, and other after-sales support services.
Promote your brand with sticker marketing; not only will your branding literally stick to things, but it will also “stick” in the minds of every one who sees your image, because if it’s cool, sharp, and appealing, people will keep stickers just for the sake of having them.